Tank top & Bilges

The final stage in the preparation of the cargo holds for the loading of next cargo is cleaning of tank top and bilge wells. The use of high-pressure machine is compulsory regardless of the origin  of previous cargo. During visual inspection, it should be decided either to use a rustibust machine or not.  In case of hard flaking rust was found on the tank top surface, that has been not removed by the water high-pressure machine, it is required  to use rustibus, for the better result. Quite often, the tank top is cleaned from the cargo remains and there are no any rust, but the entire surface is covered with corrosive dust. In this case, the acid chemical must be applied on the tank top surface. It is  very important not to allow it to dry on tank top. In fact, the chemicals must be washed out after 20 – 30 minutes when the application was done. 

Cleaning the bilge wells

In any case, the bilge wells must be cleaned from cargo residues and etc  and must be covered with tarpaulin, burlap, or similar with watering tape around the perimeter to prevent the cargo from getting inside.

When all the washing operations have been completed, any water that may have collected in tank top indentations and other areas of cargo holds should be mopped up and removed. If the vessel is fitted with ventilation system, it should be switched on to increse the drying process as well. Bilge wells must also be dry. It is almost inevitable that some condensate will occur on the surfaces of the internal hold surface, so it is recommended to check hold condition prior surveyor’s inspection. To reduce the level of condensation which may appear, it is necessary to ensure ventilation of the hold prepared for loading by partially opening of the hatch covers or turning on the ventilation system. Fortuna International Ltd will quickly and efficiently carry out all the necessary services to clean the cargo holds before loading your vessel again. Namely:

Our team will arrive at lightning speed anywhere in the world and get to work.